About this site

Hi, I’m Jesse Ala­ma. I’ve been hack­ing Scheme and Lisp since 1996 and got into Rack­et in 2014. And I love build­ing web sites. I main­tain sev­er­al Rack­et pack­ages, most of them hav­ing some­thing to do with the web.

I made Serv­er: Rack­et out of my en­thu­si­asm for the Rack­et web serv­er and my de­sire to help oth­er web de­vel­op­ers work ef­fec­tive­ly with the Rack­et web serv­er. Lat­er I pub­lished a short in­tro­duc­tion to the lan­guage called Rack­et Week­end (the name is in­tend­ed to sug­gest that the course takes just a cou­ple of days). Af­ter ini­tial­ly not real­ly un­der­stand­ing what lan­guage-ori­ent­ed pro­gram­ming is, I de­cid­ed to dig into the con­cept and in­ter­view fel­low Rack­et pro­gram­mers who had done work on mak­ing their own lan­guages. The re­sult is Lan­guage-ori­ent­ed Pro­gram­ming in Rack­et: A Cul­tur­al An­thro­pol­o­gy, a wide-rang­ing col­lec­tion of in­ter­views about lan­guage-ori­ent­ed pro­gram­ming.

I hope all of this is valu­able to you! If you’d like to hear from me by email, con­sid­er join­ing my newslet­ter.