The Server: Racket Newsletter

Rack­et is a fan­tas­tic pro­gram­ming lan­guage, but its com­mu­ni­ty is (still) small. I know just as well as you do that Rack­et isn’t a huge­ly pop­u­lar pro­gram­ming lan­guage. It can feel lone­ly and slow-mov­ing at times. An oc­ca­sion­al mes­sage helps keep your Rack­et skills sharp, so that you’ll be ready to strike when a project comes along that’s just beg­ging for a Rack­et-y so­lu­tion.

The ap­proach I take with my newslet­ter is prac­ti­cal and tac­ti­cal. I’ll help you to get the most out of Rack­et, whether you’re just get­ting start­ed, a Rack­et week­end war­rior, try­ing to get start­ed with a Rack­et-pow­ered web site, or try­ing to con­vince your boss to let you try Rack­et for that next project in your day job.

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